上海竹藤树数字科技有限公司(Shanghai Bomboo Cane Tree Digital Technology Co.,Ltd)成立于2022年11月,注册于上海,注册资本550,000元,专注于“一带一路”框架下金融与实体经济相结合之货物与服务进出口领域,聚焦标准工业品与知识产权范畴。
上海竹藤树数字科技有限公司依托强大国际金融投融资领域股东集体背景和深耕上海地区二十年经济金融领域之发展根基,在数据信息成为数字经济时代关键生产要素条件下,响应国家政策,着眼金融服务实体、金融结合实体经济基本点,服务国际金融与贸易结合,公司具备外汇管理局(许可证编码:XK2022121400000374)和海关监管(海关编码:3122269B3Y)相应资质,能够直接和全球200多个国家以及150多种货币在合法(符合中国法律以及国际法规则)框架下直接进行国际金融与贸易合作。企业使命:深耕国际金融 结合实体经济 创新跨国交易 实现产业报国
企业愿景:专注国际金融 追求经营效率 树立全球格局 成为卓越企业
价值观: 知难行易 强化研究 知识创新 成就理想
社会理念:穷则独善其身 达则兼济天下 优先员工客户 兼顾社会责任
人才理念:能力合格 三观契合 实事求是 沉稳进取
Shanghai Bomboo Cane Tree Digital Technology Co., Ltd., founded in November 2022, registered in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, with a registered capital of 550000 yuan, focuses on the import and export of goods and services combined with finance and the real economy under the framework of the "the Belt and Road", focusing on standard industrial products and intellectual property.
Shanghai Bomboo Cane Tree Digital Technology Co., Ltd., relying on the strong collective background of shareholders in the international financial investment and financing field and the development foundation of the economic and financial field in Shanghai for 20 years, responds to national policies, focuses on the basic point of financial service entity and financial integration entity economy, and serves the combination of international finance and trade under the condition that data information has become the key production factor in the digital economy era, The company has the corresponding qualifications of foreign exchange administration(Safe License Code: XK202212140000374) and customs supervision(Customs code: 312269B3Y), and can directly conduct international financial and trade cooperation with more than 200 countries and more than 150 currencies in the world under the legal framework (in accordance with Chinese laws and international law rules).
Enterprise mission: Deeply cultivate international finance, combine real economy, innovate transnational transactions, and realize industry serving the country
Corporate vision: Focus on international finance, pursue operational efficiency, establish a global pattern, and become an outstanding enterprise
Values: difficult to know, easy to do, strengthen research, knowledge innovation, and achieve the ideal
Social concept: If you are poor, you can be independent, and if you reach the goal, you can help the world. Priority employees, customers and social responsibilities should be taken into consideration
Talent concept: qualified ability, three concepts, practical and realistic, steady and enterprising.